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Q&A - Episode 2: RMO and Registrar Information Session
We've compiled a list of questions and answers from the RMO and Registrar Information Session webinar held on 23 May 2023. If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to contact our team.
- Q: Can IMGs do fellowship?
A: If you don't have permanent residency you can apply for our Independent Pathway fellowship which is a non-funded program. AGPT & Rural Generalist Training Scheme are commonwealth funded and you need your permanent residency to apply. Feel free to reach out to ACRRM for further details. Please also contact for questions relating to completing GP Training with RACGP
- Q: Are there any opportunities for an IMG without AMC McQ test?
A: generally, you do need to have general registration to apply to the AGPT programs. Each situation can be very different though so I recommend reaching out to JCU or the College so we can help you find a pathway that would suit you.
- Q: If IMG with 8+ years of experience as GP in INDIA, and clear AMC clinical exam, then can he join the AGPT program directly & start his hospital year 1 as rotation?
A: Based on this information, it is possible. However, we'd need to verify your previous experience. - Q: I need some guidance of pathway which is suitable for me. I have RACGP assessed overseas experience for two years and 10 months. Have done AMC MCQs. Eligible for limited registration.
A: It would be best if you speak to the GP colleges directly. Please email or and they will be able to further discuss which pathway is best. Alternatively, if you wish to pursue a career within the hospital system, you will need to contact the hospitals. Contact details can be found here.
- Q: Any pathway where IMG can directly start their first rotation year as in training?
A: If you don't have permanent residency you can apply for our Independent Pathway fellowship which is a non-funded program. AGPT & Rural Generalist Training Scheme are commonwealth funded and you need your permanent residency to apply. Feel free to reach out to ACRRM for further details.
- Q: Can IMGs apply for RMO post without having AHPRA Registration?
A: Yes but you will have to contact AHPRA to ensure that you are eligible for registration, medical board registration is a requirement to commence employment.
- Q: Can you explain how the different employment levels (PHO, JHO, SHO etc) relate generally to PGY levels, and how interstate applicants can figure out their equivalent job levels?
A: Please refer for information.
- Q: How do I upload AMC registration many of IMGs with AMC MCQ only & applying for first time job, not get limited registration unless get first job.
A: You will be asked the question on the RMO application if you have passed the AMC MCQ/AMC cert and you will upload your document at these questions.
- Q: I am an IMG with limited registration working in NSW. Can I apply as a JHO/SHO if I am to extend my limited registration for another year with Queensland health?
A: Yes, you can apply in Queensland
- Q: How will it work for current interns who have signed a two year contract? Can we just contact our current hospital to say we would like to stay with them?
A: Yes, please discuss with your current hospital, you will still need to apply via the RMO campaign
- Q: can IMG with only AMC 1 apply for campaign?
A: Yes
- Q: I had applied for QLD RMO campaign last year and I still have application online. I had applied all the required documents uploaded, especially form the Notary. Do I need to get all the documents Notarised again if I have to apply this year?
A: As long as your documents haven't expired then you don't need to have them recertified.
- Q: Are interns able to apply to both JHO and SHO positions?
A: Yes
- Q: I am an IMG currently undertaking an HMO position under level-1 supervision (due to the clinical gap) at a regional hospital in Victoria. Currently, the level-1 supervision is for one year, and I’ve working for 4 months now. I am promised to rotate in Gen Med (where I currently am), and ED, and at this stage, the hospital is planning to push for level-2 supervision after completing Gen Med rotation which I expect to complete in 4 months time). My question is that ‘what would be my chance/ eligibility (in terms of when or how soon) to be able to join Qld health as a RMO?
A: The RMO2024 campaign is for positions commencing in February 2024. I would suggest you contact the hospitals you wish to work at to enquire about positions that will be available. I would also suggest you look at the position search tool on the RMO Campaign website. Please note the position search tool will be available a few days prior to the campaign opening on Monday 5 June 2023
- Q: can I know, about how many RMO vacancies (total) will be there in campaign?
A: There are 6500 Positions for Registrars/PHO and Prevocational Doctors (JHO/SHO) across Queensland. The number of positions per hospital would be attained by contacting workforce units as it depends what positions you are asking about.
- Q: Is the offer given on a rolling basis or after the application closes, it is allocated?
A: Once applications close, the Registrar and PHO merit selection process commences first and then JHO and SHO once the Reg and PHO is complete. Please refer to the campaign dates.
- Q: if someone has passed MCQ and clinical, can work as GP in rural and remote area without having to do 12 months hospital Rotations?
A: Please email or to further discuss requirements. - Q: If recruited, how long is the contract for? For IMG's, do the contracts come with PR? Do facilities offer training or Support for AMC Clinical exam preparation?
A: You will have to contact the hospitals to enquire about these questions. Contact details can be found here.
- Q: I’m an IMG with passed AMC MCQ and working as O&G in my country for 7 years. Can I apply both as RMO and/or unaccredited registrar for the campaign?
A: Yes you can apply to the campaign.
- Q: Even though the campaign and recruitment processes are happening this year, can I confirm that once selected the position officially starts in 2024 or 2023 itself?
A: Applications open in June 2023 for positions commencing February 2024.
- Q: I am an IMG from the Philippines and have passed AMC MCQ with 3yrs of working experience. May I ask what are the chances that I may be chosen for an employment given my qualifications? And what can I do to improve my resume or CV to be able to secure an interview and hopefully land a job?
A: Please contact the hospitals directly to express your interest at working at their hospital and what they are looking for, contact details can be found here.
- Q: Are we supposed to download the VPD evidence form and reupload after filling? Or is there a format which can be edited?
A: You will have to print, fill out, sign and upload.
- Q: What position can someone with a pass in only AMC MCQ apply to?
- Q: Does a referee have to be from a clinical background?
A: The questions within the referee report are clinically based, if not clinical they may not be able to answer.
- Q: Are there other sites in QLD doing the single employer model (particularly for ACRRM/RACGP trainees), or is it that unique to central west?
A: North West Hospital and Health Service also work in with the single employer model. - Q: Would you be able to shed some light over the moratorium period to be served by an IMG to be able to practice in the metro areas if we get into an AGPT program?
A: Please contact AGPT directly or please email or and they will be able to further discuss moratorium periods.
- Q: I am IMG without PR. Do hospitals give sponsorships?
A: You will have to contact the hospitals directly as each hospital is different. Contact details can be found here.
- Q: I am an IMG who has completed my AMC MCQ and English test, according to AHPRA eligible for registration. And this year I am PGY 3, so can I apply for the AGPT program?
A: Please contact AGPT directly or please email or to further discuss the requirements for entry into GP Training in Australia.
- Q: I am an IMG with 12 years clinical experience in internal medicine and gastroenterology but have not been practicing for about a year and a half awaiting AMC part 1& 2. Is the recency of practice, an essential requirement for registrar positions?
A: You will need to speak to AHPRA about your recency of practice. You can call Ahpra on 1300 419 495 or visit the AHPRA website. You may also speak to the hospitals where you are interested in working (view their contact details here).
- Q: I am an IMG currently holding 485 visa. Passed AMC MCQ and OET and eligible for limited registration. I have more than 10 years general practice experience and in future want to return to GP. Am I eligible to apply RMO campaign? And which will be best pathway for me?
A: If you would like to discuss the requirements to enter into GP training then please contact either: or If you would like to know more about the RMO Campaign, please refer to the website. - Q: I have passed my AMC MCQ, and planning to apply for the JHO or RMO post. However, I am planning to give the AMC clinicals in Nov 2023. If I pass, how do i update the respected persons to whom I had sent the initial application for the RMO, mentioning that I have cleared the Clinicals as well.
A: You can email your certificate to and you would also contact the hospitals that you preferenced in your application to advise.
- Q: I have 4years medical practice experience in my country. I have recently passed the AMC MCQ. What positions am I eligible to apply to?
A: It would be best to contact hospitals to further discuss your options. For further information, please refer to the website.
- Q: How many JMO RMO vacancies will be there in campaign?
A: The campaign will open on Monday 5 June. Please look at the position search tool for positions that are available.
- Q: Is it possible for someone who has passed the AMC exams, but do not have recency of practice or having long gap, to apply or be selected for the RMO or JMO positions?
A: Yes, it is possible, however there are often increased supervision requirements that are put in place by AHPRA.
- Q: Do you have any general advice for applicants applying from interstate, particularly about re-location, finding accommodation etc?
A: You will have to contact the hospitals regarding re-location/accommodation. Contact details can be found here.
- Q: I have been working in Emergency department of Neuroemergency for more than 6 months. Before that I worked in Department of Neuromedicine for 5 years. 1.Can I apply for the post for hospital medical officer in department of neuromedicine? Is it possible to get opportunity to work in emergency department?
A: You can search the position search tool on the RMO website for what positions are available. Please note the search tool will be available a few days prior to when the campaign opens on Monday 5 June. The link to the search tool can be found here.
- Q: If I don’t have a recent referee from a clinical background, how should I do with the referee?
A: You can search the position search tool on the RMO website for what positions are available. Please note the search tool will be available a few days prior to when the campaign opens on Monday 5 June. The link to the search tool can be found here.
- Q: I’m an IMG with cleared AMC part 1 only and 1year of internship in my home country currently residing Melbourne as permanent resident. What pathways do I can apply? What about the chance of getting a job offer without any previous experience other than internship?
A: I would suggest you contact the hospitals directly regarding positions. Contact details can be found here.
- Q: I have done my AMC and also completed PhD as well. I have clinical gap because of my PhD. How do I cope with this to apply for JMO position?
A: You can still apply to the campaign, I would suggest you contact the hospitals you wish to work at to enquire about positions. Contact details can be found here.
- Q: Are there any RMO campaigns for anaesthetics PGY4 + ?
A: To apply for PHO and training positions, you must apply via the RMO Campaign.
- Q: I have 4 years’ experience in working as RMO from overseas, cleared AMC part 1. But has 5 years working gap. Can I apply RACGP pathway?
A: You will need to contact RACGP directly to further discuss your individual circumstances. Please contact them at:
- Q: Do you consider the application for JMO with a gap of practice since last 5 years?
A: You will have to contact the hospitals directly regarding this enquiry, contact details can be found here and also check the AHPRA website regarding recency of practice.
- Q: Recent communication from my current QLD hospital has announced that there are major changes to JHO and intern year in terms of rotations offered to meet new AMC requirements. Is this applicable to ALL QLD hospital for the upcoming year or are they hospital dependent? (E.g., Streamlined JHO positions are not offered any more). Would this be correct?
A: The new framework will be affecting ALL Australian hospitals but please liaise with your hospital of choice to further discuss what rotations you’re interested in and they can assist you with further information. View contact details here.
- Q: Which position would suit an IMG with AMC MCQ and AMC certificate to apply?
A: JHO however I would suggest you contact the hospitals directly to enquire about positions. Contact details can be found here.
- Q: Me and my wife passed AMC MCQ and English exam, we both have 10 years’ experience in different specialities of hospital network overseas. We both are Australian Citizen, which post we apply for and is there any WBA program in Queensland health network.
A: Within the RMO campaign application, there is a section that you complete regarding your partner.
- Q: I am an IMG, recently cleared AMC MCQ exam. I have taken exam date for clinicals as well on October 31. Can I apply for Registrar position now? I have no experience.
A: You can apply to the campaign for a position even though you haven't passed the AMC.
- Q: Is it possible for someone who has passed the AMC exams, but do not have recency of practice or having long gap, to apply or be selected for the RMO or JMO positions?
A: Please contact the Medical Board regarding recency of practise. If you are eligible for registration, you are able to apply.
- Q: I have passed AMC 1 and I have 4 years of experience postgraduate. can I apply for the campaign with 1 year gap?
A: Yes, you can apply to the campaign.
- Q: Can you please provide the link for apply for registrar position?
A: Visit the Queensland Health website.
- Q: Can an IMG with AMC1 apply for intern position? even if already done in home country?
A: IMG's who have completed an internship in their home country are ineligible to apply for an intern position however may apply to the RMO campaign.
- Q: I have cleared AMC MCQ, OET and will attend the AMC clinical in Oct2023. I have a big gap more than 10 years. Do I have any chance to get JMO/RMO positions?
A: You should contact AHPRA regarding recency of practice and if you will be eligible for registration.
- Q: I am an IMG, passed AMC part 1 and English. How much support we get in hospitals as we INGs are very new to the Australian medical system. what is the chance of getting a job and which position will be suitable for me, as I finished my internship last year. How to apply for jobs? What things in the cv we need to add to increase the chance to get job
A: I would suggest you contact the hospitals directly regarding job opportunities, contact details can be found here. You can also visit NQRTH website which outlines some tips on what to include on your CV.
- Q: I am an IMG passed MCQ part 1 and English test. I am happy to relocate to QLD rural areas if I get RMO level 1 opportunity. Can you please guide me?
A: Please refer to the Queensland Health website for contact details. You will need to talk to individual hospitals about your situation.
- Q: Do my referees need to be from Australia? Or from home country?
A: Can be either. One of your referees should be your current immediate supervisor who can report on your clinical capabilities. The other referee should be able to comment on your general character and performance as an employee. This may be a current Consultant, Staff Specialist, Clinical Director, Director Medical Services, Director of Training, Medical Superintendent, or a partner in a private practice.
- Q: My English test has expired can I apply for the campaign while preparing to sit for new English test?
A: Yes, English language is not a requirement for the RMO application however it is required for registration.
- Q: How are IMGs supported and can they apply after part 1 AMC MCQ exam?
A: You can apply after part 1. In regard to support, you will have to contact the hospitals.
- Q: Greetings, I’ll be sitting my AMC exam in August. I’m a board certified Psychiatrist from my country, based now in Brisbane. Just wanted to know if there will be Unaccredited Psychiatry positions listed in the campaign?
A: Yes there will be, but you will need to talk to the hospitals individually to further discuss your situation and assess whether you will be eligible to apply for an unaccredited Psychiatry position.
- Q: Can RMO referees be registrars or is it only consultants that can provide these?
A: One of your referees should be your current immediate supervisor who can report on your clinical capabilities. The other referee should be able to comment on your general character and performance as an employee. This may be a current Consultant, Staff Specialist, Clinical Director, Director Medical Services, Director of Training, Medical Superintendent, or a partner in a private practice.
- Q: I have had some trouble selecting the hospitals from the preferences list in the application as an IMG. How do I address this?
A: When applications open on Monday 5 June 2023 please refer to the position search tool for positions that are available.
- Q: If I have a career gap and not working currently, then who would be the referee?
A: It would be best if you can contact your last clinical leader. If you are still not sure, please contact the hospitals where you are interested in working to discuss suitable referees.
- Q: How should we navigate applying for RMO/registrar jobs if we are waiting on the outcome of our college application? (i.e., I won’t find out about my ACRRM outcome until after the RMO campaign closes)
A: This is an individual decision. You may consider applying for multiple jobs across different states. For further information, please refer to the Queensland Health website. - Q: Thank you for an excellent presentation. Is it possible to do research on flu and COVID-19, in immunology, and bioinformatics in regional Queensland? Also, how would references work if you hadn't worked as a doctor in Australia? For example, I have an academic position at the University of Melbourne and will not have clinical references from Australia. How frequently do JMOs work part-time? I intend to apply next year and am interested in public health, infectious illnesses, and sports med.
A: Yes there is a strong focus on infectious diseases, immunology and bioinformatics in north Qld. Part-time arrangements need to be negotiated with individual hospitals. To further discuss referee details, please refer to the Queensland Health website. - Q: How do you explain a 3-year gap and do hospitals consider a person with 3 years gap?
A: You would have to enquire with AHPRA regarding recency of practice and also contact the hospitals.
- Q: Could I confirm what David mentioned that framework changes that affects rotations only affects intern in 2024, changes for RMO only will happen for the 2025 year? I.e., a critcare or ortho specialized/streamlined JHO job is still offered for this year (2024 intake)?
A: Yes RMOs will be affected in 2025. However, please contact individual hospitals to further discuss your rotation preferences and they can give you advice.
- Q: Can you provide any information about observership positions NQ has to offer?
A: Please contact the individual hospitals for information about observerships.
- Q: How much remuneration should we expect in Queensland for HMO/RMO positions?
A: You would have to contact the hospitals directly as each hospital is different.
- Q: For the critical care stream, is there any bias in favour of Australian grads over IMGs? (UK grad, in this case).
A: If you have the right and qualifications to work in Australia as an intern or junior doctor, then your application will be meritoriously regarded the same as anyone else.
- Q: I’m a PGY2 working in Victoria as a resident in the General Stream and I’m quite happy in terms of the support I receive, and it just so happens I received rotations that are medical rather than surgical/ED. I never thought of Rural Generalism, I hadn’t really settled on picking a specialty. If I apply to Central West or Mt Isa or Cairns, what are the rotations that I would be given?
A: Cairns lets you preference all of the different specialities. There are specific streams but lots of people continue doing "a little bit of everything"
- Q: May I ask if we need to have passed the AMCQ before we apply / join the campaign?
A: Please refer to the Queensland Health website and contact individual hospitals for further information:
NQRTH is an initiative of the Australian Government's Integrated Rural Training Pipeline (IRTP) and is facilitated by James Cook University in partnership with public and private hospitals, Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC), health services, Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) and GP clinics.
Cairns region
(07) 4226 8187
Central West region
(07) 4764 1547
Mackay region
(07) 4885 7122
North West region
(07) 4764 1547
Torres and Cape region
(07) 4095 6103
Townsville region
(07) 4781 3424